How to visit Machu Picchu with AB Expeditions

How To Visit Machu Picchu With AB Expeditions

One of the famed new seven wonders of the world, there’s a lot more to Machu Picchu than what first meets the eye.

Whilst this ancient archaeological site contains important history and helps us to better understand the Inca civilization, there are many other secrets nearby that are worth exploring if you know how and where to find them.

In this guide we’ll explore how you can visit Machu Picchu with local tour operator AB Expeditions, who are based in Cusco. This includes how you can organise a trip, the different tours available as well as other impressive sites you can explore within the nearby region.

Why you should visit Machu Picchu

Built by the ancient Inca civilisation around 1450 A.D for the emperor Pachacuti, Machu Picchu was deemed to be one of the most important sites and as such was built on top of this scenic mountain.

Not only did this allow for a strategic view above the surrounding region, it also meant that the Spanish Empire never found the site during their conquest of Peru. Machu Picchu had remained hidden in perfect condition for many centuries, before finally being rediscovered in 1911 (over 350 years after it was originally deserted).

Machu Picchu was believed to be an important spiritual site for the Inca, who were also keen astronomers (which can be observed from many of the structures that were built here such as the Sun Gate). Only the most elite classes and royals were allowed to live inside Machu Picchu, which further reinforces just how prestigious this sacred site was for this ancient civilisation.

3 ways to visit Machu Picchu with local operator AB Expeditions

Below we’ll now take a look at three different ways you can explore Machu Picchu with local operator AB Expeditions. Not only do they vary in tour length and scope of what you’ll experience, they also cater for all kinds of Peru budgets too.

Embarking on the classic Inca trail tour

Perhaps the most complete hiking route in all of South America (let alone just Peru), the Inca Trail ticks-off just about everything that you could ever want from a true mountain hike.

The Inca Trail

Here you’ll walk past alpine lakes, through rugged mountain passes and also see wild alpacas grazing as they please along the route. More impressively though is the fact that you’ll be walking along the same stone path that the ancient Inca once did. This means that you’ll also see many incredible ruins that can only be seen with an Inca Trail permit, such as Wiñay Wayna, Sayaqmarca and Llactapata.

On the 4 Day classic Inca trail tour you’ll also have your very own knowledgeable guide that will lead the way, teaching you everything that you need to know about the mysterious tribe that once roamed these lands. Also included in the tour is your own private tent, all hot meals, hiking poles as well as your own personal porter to help carry your personal belongings.

Visiting Machu Picchu with a day tour

The classic one day tour allows us to see Machu Picchu in all of its glory, and helps us to understand why it was built in the first place (as well as why it was rapidly deserted and left to the mountains).

AB Expeditions offer an all-inclusive experience, which includes a private guided tour around the ancient archaeological site. This also includes the option of hiking the nearby peak of Huayna Picchu, which is perfect for those who want the very best views from above the ancient citadel. All in all it’s a very complete day trip that everyone heading to Cusco must add to their itineraries.

Machu Picchu Store Houses

It’s also a perfect option for those who have less time to see these formidable ruins, or perhaps are still acclimating to the higher altitudes of the region. This is because you will be taking the scenic train to Aguascalientes, as well as the bus up to Machu Picchu (meaning you will be doing little hiking or intense physical exertion).

Heading on the Salkantay trek

Perhaps you are looking for more stunning mountain scenery rather than pure archaeology alone – and if this is the case for you, then the Salkantay Trek is a great alternative hike.

Here you’ll be trekking up at higher altitudes, which means we’ll be able to see giant snow-capped mountains, beautiful alpine lakes as well as virgin jungle along this diverse route. What’s even better is the fact that there will be fewer people on the trail, making it a more peaceful and authentic hiking experience. At the end of the four days we’ll finally reach Machu Picchu, which is the perfect way to cap-off what is a truly unforgettable hiking experience.

AB Expeditions also offer their own 4 day Salkantay trek, where you’ll be led by one of their very best trekking guides. Also included in the tour is your own tent, all hot meals, a visit to Lake Humantay and much more. Like with the Inca Trail tour, you’ll also have your own personal porter to help split the weight you carry each day along the trail.

Overview of visiting Machu Picchu with AB Expeditions

Visiting Machu Picchu is a must for anyone who wishes to experience Peru. Not only can we explore true ancient history that has been perfectly preserved since the times of the Inca, we can also see some incredible scenery in the surrounding region.

If you are looking to explore your different options for visiting Machu Picchu, then take a look at local operator AB Expeditions who are based in Cusco. As well as visiting on an all-inclusive day tour, they also offer incredible multi-day treks for the more adventurous travellers among us.

How to visit Machu Picchu with AB Expeditions

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